How to connect to MS Teams Admin Center using PowerShelll

Hi Everyone,

In this video, I will show how to connect to MS Teams using PowerShell. You can do many things by going to the MS teams admin center, but still, you need to use PowerShell to enable or disable a setting or feature. And it is a good idea to know PowerShell in general. If you are trying to connect for the first time, you need to install the module first.

To connect Microsoft Teams ( Single-factor authenticator) 

#Install the module if you are connecting for the first time

Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams

#login with your credentials

$cred = Get-Credential

#Connect to the server

Connect-MicrosoftTeams -credential $cred

#Disconnet the session

Remove-PSSession -Id


#******To connect to MS Teams 2FA********



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